Year Make Model Version

VAT excl.

Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.

Based on: Year Make Model by Dunweb Designs
Updated for PhoenixCart

It is thought to be used in any shop which offers spare part, tuning part or any other accessories for vehicles but also for any home appliances, diy machines etc.
It allows to add specific product information about compatible vehicles, machines etc like: Manufacturer/Trademark, Model, Version and year of production.
This data can then be used in a sequential product filter module to show only products matching the selected data.

The Year Make Model Part Addon adds the following functionality to Phoenixcart:

* Sequential filter for products depending on specified:
Make (car trade mark like: BMW, Ford etc.)
Model (car model like: 3 Series, Focus, Fiesta, ...)
Part ( car version like: Convertible E36, C-Max, Hatchback Van, ...)
Year (year range of fabrication)
* YMM characteristics need to be specified in: Admin -> Catalog/products -> Edit Product in a hookd YMM Tab
* Existing combinations can be retrieved for faster data input
* Defined combinations can be instant updated or deleted via AJAX
* Number of input rows can be adjusted.
* YMM product data will be copied when a product is duplicated
* Part and Year specifications are optional:
4 Modes are available:
- Make - Model - Part - Year
- Make - Model - Part
- Make - Model - Year
- Make - Model * End year can be left empty to use always actual year
* The user selection is stored in cookies whic lifetime can be configured. Like this the user will not need to enter his vehiclee data each time visiting the shop.

very easy
Copy new files
Install modules in Admin

Version 1.1.2
Phoenix Cart -
Tested with Phoenix,,
PHP 7.3 - 8.3

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Commercial Add-On/Theme License