New Products

Holiday - Promotional Message
Updated for Phoenix
Header module which allows to show any message like holidays, Promotions etc. in the header area.
How it works:
Allows to enter a title (optional) and message in the module in the Admin area which will show up in the header area of the store.
Allows to select the pages where to show the message.
Soports different languages.
Optional possibility to add the message to the order confirmation e-mails
Version: 3.2.0. Phoenix
Version: 3.1.2. Phoenix
Version: 3.0.0. Phoenix
Version: 2.1.2. Frozen, Edge
Very easy, modularized
Copy 3 files + 1 language file
Install 1 module in Admin
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KissIT Image Thumbnailer
Updated for Phoenix
Automatic create on the fly Thumbnails for all your images:
This add-on improves the page load time serving all images in just the required image size on all places.
Configurable min. image size to use thumbs
Equal image size adding background if necesary to smaller images
Equal image proportion adding background if necesary
Add watermark for images bigger than configured (including big images in pop-up of product_info)
Show customizable no image available thumb if image is missing
WEBP, JPEG, GIF and PNG images supported
Configurable JPEG and WEBP quality
In RGB configurable Background color
3 level sharpness filter
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Shop by Price
Updated for Phoenix
Includes 2 modules which can be used alternative:
1. Box "Shop By Price"
2. Header module "Shop By Price"
How it works:
Price ranges can be defined independent for each currency in the module configuration
Click or select price range performs a search query which shows the products matching the price range
Search can pe performed global for all products or inside of a categoriy/subcategory
Version: 5.3.3 (CE Phoenix)

Very easy, modularized
Copy 5 files + 3 language files
Install 1 of 2 alternative modules in Admin
Version 5.3.3:
CE Phoenix Cart
Tested with CE Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3

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Prices with Tax Info
Updated for Phoenix
It will display the following below the price on each page included in the module:
1. If the tax value of the displayed price is = 0:
Shows: "VAT excl." or any other text you define in the language file
2. If the tax value of the displayed price is not = 0:
Shows: "XX% VAT incl." or any other text you define in the language file
Where XX is the value of the tax in percentage as defined in admin/tax rates
Note: For other languages/uses its possible to define a text string before...
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Displaying 61 to 64 (of 64 products)